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Sales Policy

Sales Policy and Seller Code of Conduct

BOGO Nut LLC Sales Policies and Seller Code of Conduct These Terms of Use were last updated on May 21, 2023.

All vendors must adhere to the specified policies when listing products on BOGO Nut. Violations of seller offenses and prohibited content may result in the suspension of your BOGO Nut account.

Seller Code of Conduct: This policy requires sellers to conduct themselves fairly and honestly on BOGO Nut, ensuring a secure buying and selling environment. Sellers must comply with the following guidelines:

  1. Provide accurate information to BOGO Nut and customers consistently.
  2. Act fairly and refrain from misusing BOGO Nut's features or services.
  3. Avoid causing harm or abuse to other sellers, their listings, or ratings.
  4. Refrain from influencing customer ratings, feedback, and reviews.
  5. Do not send unsolicited or inappropriate communications.
  6. Contact customers solely through Buyer-Seller Messaging.
  7. Do not attempt to circumvent the BOGO Nut sales process.
  8. Operate no more than one selling account on BOGO Nut without a legitimate business need.

Violations of the Code of Conduct or any other BOGO Nut policies may lead to account actions, including listing cancellations, payment suspension or forfeiture, and removal of selling privileges. Additional details on these policies are provided below.

Accurate Information: Vendors must provide precise information to BOGO Nut and customers, updating it when necessary. This includes using a business name that accurately identifies the business and listing products in the correct category.

Acting Fairly: Vendors must act fairly and lawfully, refraining from any misuse of BOGO Nut's services. Unfair activities include providing misleading information, manipulating sales rank, attempting to increase product prices after order confirmation, artificially inflating web traffic, and allowing others to violate BOGO Nut's policies on your behalf.

Ratings, Feedback, and Reviews: Vendors may not attempt to influence or inflate customers' ratings, feedback, and reviews. While neutral requests for feedback and reviews are allowed, offering incentives for positive feedback, asking for exclusively positive reviews, soliciting reviews only from satisfied customers, and reviewing one's own or competitors' products are prohibited.

Communications: Unsolicited or inappropriate messages are not allowed. All communications with customers must occur through Buyer-Seller Messaging and be essential for order fulfillment or customer service. Marketing communications are strictly prohibited.

Customer Information: Customer information obtained for order fulfillment must only be used for that purpose and deleted after processing. Contacting customers or sharing information with third parties, except through Buyer-Seller Messaging, is not permitted.

Circumventing the Sales Process: Vendors may not attempt to bypass the BOGO Nut sales process or redirect customers to external websites. Providing links or messages prompting users to visit external sites or complete transactions elsewhere is strictly prohibited.

Multiple Selling Accounts on BOGO Nut: Maintaining one Seller Central account per selling region is the standard unless a legitimate business need justifies a second account. Examples of legitimate business justifications include owning multiple brands with separate businesses for each, manufacturing products for distinct companies, or participation in a BOGO Nut program requiring separate accounts.

Filing Infringement Notices: While BOGO Nut accepts submissions from authorized agents reporting intellectual property infringement on behalf of brands, individuals with active selling accounts are not permitted to file infringement notices to benefit their own accounts. Sellers engaging in this practice may face account termination.